
                                               visual artist

After an eclectic journey, in 1995 she gave herself up to her first loves. A self-taught visual artist, she exploits the themes that are close to her heart, and explores techniques through the alchemy of matter.

A nomadic artist, she works in any place willing to welcome her, a meadow, a workshop, a friendly house. . .

It ventures everywhere where Man acts, thinks, loves and suffers.

Through its curves, its roughness, its folds, its contortions, the body gives us a part of its intimacy. An intact emotion, taken from the heart, secrets that speak to us. . .
She wants to capture the manifestations and vibrations of the soul. Trying to represent the intangible. . . .

Understanding a work begins with feeling. To feel a work is to hear it and appropriate it: it enters your history and works within you.

In search. . . She's investigating. Freeze frame.
She's looking for leads, looking for the path, or maybe for herself.
And she leaves it to her works to speak for her

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